Sunday, September 30, 2007

Our first week with Noah

Noah has definitely changed our world, but with a face like this it makes long nights much easier. His jaundice is almost gone and he sleeps anywhere from 2 to 4 hours at a time. I am trying to figure out a way for Tyler to do some of the night feedings.
Tyler's family came for the weekend to meet their second grandchild. We had a great time with them and appreciate their encouragement and help along with my parents that have been here since early September awaiting Noah's arival.

Noah is one week old today 9/29. Noah and I celebrated right at 4:12 am with a feeding.

He loves his hands in his face. We found that they wake him in the night so we snuggle them into his blanket and tight as we can.

Grandpa Ficht holding his second grandson this year. Randy has proven to be a master gardener and sprucing up our yard. Tyler and Randy planted a 15 gallon tree in our backyard on September 15th as a happy 1 year in our house and celebration of the new life coming to our family.

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