Sunday, September 23, 2007

Noah's Here!!!!

Hey everyone, Well for those who dont know, Aly had Noah on september 22 at
4:12 AM. He weighed 7 lbs 15.5oz, and was 21 inches long. We're pretty tired
but very happy. It was not the kind of birth that we thought was going to
happen. She wen't into hard labor at 1AM, at 2:30 her water broke. We got to
the hospital at 3 and she was ready to start pushing at 3:30. The nurse
actually had to hold the baby in a bit because the doctor wasn't at the hospital
yet. Aly didn't get any spinal or other pain medication, so was very much in
pain, but did a great job!!!! There are a couple of pictures, enjoy!!!
We love you all!!!

Tyler and Alyson Jefferson


Angela said...

Congratulations, best wishes and lots of love to all. It's wonderful to see the pictures and I look forward to future news of Noah's progress.

Christy M said...

Noah is beautiful! I wish I could be there to hold him in my arms, but until I can, I will hold him in my prayers.
Love you,

Christy M said...

Noah is beautiful! I wish so much that I could come and hold him, but until I can, I will hold him in my prayers.
Love you,

SallyB said...

Congratulations Aly, Tyler, and Baby Noah!! What a gorgeous baby boy! Kept wondering when he was going to arrive.. so when I clicked on Hayden Happenings... He was here!!!
We are thrilled for you and wish you all the blessings God can bestow... you are right... God is in charge!
Love to all,
Sally & Bill