Friday, June 19, 2009

In Long Beach

Noah and I ventured down to Long Beach while Tyler is away. Update from Tyler, he is doing really well and enjoying his time there. He is busy seeing patients and exploring the area. He is going on a Amazon River trip on Saturday and a bike tour of the waterfalls. Each patient hears the gospel after they receive medical care. Patients are so grateful to get some care. Here are some pictures from Noah and My adventures to Southern California.

At the Rankin Ranch, Sarah and I both very pregnant!

Saturday, June 13, 2009

Tyler's Trip to Ecuador

So Tyler is in the air right now. He left early this morning from San Francisco Airport, with a lay over in Atlanta and then to Quito, Ecuador. I am excited for him and will, wait already miss him a ton. The good thing about kids is you can't mope around for more than a second till a book is thrust in your face. Noah woke up at about 5am and would not go back to sleep. So I brought him in for cuddle time and instantly he goes daddy?? And went looking around the house for him. Well I am 35 weeks pregnant and my biggest prayer is that Tyler is safe and that I don't have a baby early. If Tyler sends pictures I will post them on the blog.