Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Not quite ready!!

Look at me!! I am almost sitting up. Except for my head. Could someone please tell my mom and dad I am not quite ready for this.
Noah is growing each day and looks more and more like his daddy. These pictures were taken last night.

Don't his feet look huge. We think he is going to be tall.

We still try to get sleep when ever we can. Notice who is sleeping and who is wide awake. It seems that Noah thinks the world works on a 48 hour day, every other day he sleeps 4 hour stretches at night. I just need to learn to get on his schedule.
Through our early weeks with Noah both Tyler and I appreciate our parents so much more.


The Campbells said...

He may look like his dad...but it seems he has his mum's eyes!!!

Continuing to pray for you three, we love you!

GrannaGrumpyJ said...

I can't believe how big he is getting!! Tell him Granna and Grumpy can hardly wait to spoil his some more!! Madi continues to remind you to sing "Rock-a-bye-baby" when he cries. She said she'll give you some pointers when she gets out there! Don't let him grow up anymore until we get out there; we don't want him walking by Thanksgiving.