Thursday, November 19, 2009


I use to look at those moms in the grocery store that had the children screaming limp in the basket making quite a disturbance, and think boy that mom is doing a bad job. Well I now have that kid. Though he is full of tenderness and love, he can throw temper tantrums like I couldn't have ever imagine. Embarrassing? Yes!! Humbling? oh Yea! I though being an ER nurse doing CPR on a 300lb man was hard!! Not anymore, it's a lot harder to be a mom 24/7 of a strong willed child. We pray each moment that we don't lose our temper and pray that God will make them not into juveniles some day.

I coordinated this group of mothers of preschoolers at our church and there has been many times in my two short years of being a parent, that I have considered quiting because of my own struggles in parenting. You name all the things parents have done wrong, I've probably done it at least twice. I've learned not to make absolute rules for myself in parenting so I don't fully disappoint myself when I break it 2 minutes after I made it. I will trust that God's intervention and grace will fill in for all my mistakes, that Noah and Jacob will grow to love the Lord. Well there is my venting... Pray that we all survive the early years...

Friday, November 13, 2009

Friday, November 6, 2009


One sleeping baby!

at cover's apple ranch by the hay maze.

Noah at Church for Trunk or Treat.